Posts Tagged ‘human psychology’

Bad habits die hard don’t they. They just won’t go away even when you know its good for you if they did. Take me for instance, been smoking since I was 17. That’s 13 years of lung rotted away, decayed and gone never to be used (or whatever left of it anyway). Drinking. Now that’s one bad habit that most people have these days. I mean hey, you need to kill off a few ‘unwanted’ brain-cells once and awhile right?

Maybe its just how we have been ‘programmed’ by the media? I mean just look at the ads that we see today, everyday. From the cigarettes posters to the booze ads, no matter where we go we see them. And they’re pretty ‘convincing’ regardless of your background, race, culture or religion. I mean drinking nowadays is like a necessity for men and women. Why is that? Can’t be hip enough if you don’t I guess.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t drink or should only drink when you must, I just blogged about it a few posts back. I’m not a hypocrite either, and you will NOT hear me lecture about Heaven or Hell or how you put shame to your family’s honor if you drink, or smoke, pop E’s,’chasing-the-dragon’ or whatever. I’m not your dad and I’m sure as hell not a cop [or a Saint for that matter, but who is,eh?]. So its all good with me. Cause one bad habit I will NOT take from people would be bad manners.

You might think it is NOT a bad habit, but trust me; it actually is. Bad manners and drinking makes things even worse. Funny thing is, bad manners are easier to curb and control(and I love the cure for it, especially if I am giving it to people) but when it comes to drinking, smoking or the more illegal and somewhat detrimental-to-your-health kind of bad habits; it is VERY hard to quit. And I respect those that did quit!

Usually when we drink, its for an occasion that we would like to be a part of or celebrate. New years eve, birthdays, going-away parties, welcome-back parties, a new job/post, a new boss, bachelor parties, to the beginning of a ‘World-Domination’. For me, its either to entertain clients, New years eve, birthdays and hmmm, that’s it I guess.The list goes on as you can tell. But these days, I hear you don’t need any of those reasons to drink. You just go out, and you just..drink!

Humans are very fickle, its in our nature. Its in every man or woman. Just last night I found out that some people drink simply because whenever the feel like it. I happen to know some of the dumbest reasons I know people would use just to go out drinking, “I just got laid last night, Let’s Party!” [Okay, I’m guilty for this one, I was 17 okay!], or something like, “Just got into an argument with my girl, I need some liquor in my system!”. The worst I EVER heard was something more bizarre (and I actually talked to the sad-wuss-of-a-man) : “Stupid slut! She still keeps kinky pictures of her Ex in her cellphone, fuck this! Let’s drink!.”

Life is so full of SHIT. Doesn’t mean adding more shit into your body would make it any less Shitty!

As if I could care less about what that guy was talking about. It’s pretty hard to compete or replace someone in a womans’ life especially if she was with a guy who happened to be hung like a horse!! At least that’s what my girlfriends told me. Friends, okay, not as in girlfriend(s). So back to my point, people do and will come up with just about any incongruous reason(s) just to drink.

So why do YOU go out drinking? Would you need a reason or you must find a concrete occasion to go out drinking? Or are you one of the eccentric ones’ that find your emotions uncontrollably needs comfort, assurance, happiness, acceptance and most of all an absurd halitosis from the bottom of a bottle(or two,or three) of J.D.

Whatever the reason ladies and gentlemen, please IF you can, clean up before you go to bed. Or if you prefer the pavement of a street, the bathroom floor, a friends lap, a strangers’ lap or simply passing out in your car.

A friend once said to me “You think too much..” What I would like to know is; is there such a thing as thinking too much? I mean aren’t men are hard-coded in their DNA to think in a logical and reasonable way in almost all situations that we go through in life? So, is there such a thing as thinking too much, I mean for men generally. I’m not saying women don’t think at all, but women tend to make decisions based on emotions more than they use logic or reason.

I’m not saying women are dumb, please do not jump to conclusions. Assumption is the mother of all..well you know the rest. What I’m saying is most of a womans’ decision(s) is based on how she ‘feels’ at the moment. Say for instance, buying a shoe. Yes, I’ve been with women that goes from store to store, from the basement floor to the top floor of the mall just to find the shoe that is not only fits right but it must also ‘feels right’ to them.

Men on the other hand might not go through all the stores, actually most guys might even buy the first shoe that they see and if it fits;we buy it then and there. Now thats’ not too much thinking is it? But the thinking process is involved on the sole of the shoe, the size and the look of it. Some men might even take texture and durability into account. A lot of criteria are taken into consideration for men. But it doesn’t mean men have to go through all the floors of a shopping mall to do so. Some men would though…

Now thats’ shopping; regardless for what item you’re looking for. Just because men and women make decisions differently when shopping doesn’t necessarily mean men think too much or women think much lesser than men. From the example of shopping, it’s obvious that women takes much more time when deciding what shoe to buy and where. BUT I don’t think honestly that women thinks too much about getting the right shoe; since that most women I went shopping with tends to go for almost anything that feels right.

Now, when we take into consideration of book-keeping or monthly bills that needs paying. Things are somewhat almost completely takes a 360 degree turn. Men tends to go through the bills tirelessly, sorting out which one is of higher priority then the others. Obviously, electricity, water and rent is definitely on top of the list. Internet bills, car payments and those with cable TV would probably put them around top 5 on the list.

Women however, might want to take care the electricity and the car payments first[shopping and lightings? Perhaps, I might be wrong..]. But the list wouldn’t stop there, there are the monthly vacuum cleaner instalments, or some other funky electrical appliance that serves little purpose in the kitchen other than to make the whole cooking area more ‘pimped-out?’ or more ‘pink’ than usual. I only know these from female friends of mine who are not married. Your average independent working women of today. Partly the media should be blamed for the advertisements of products ranging from ‘ThighMaster-800’ or ‘Night and Day Skin-Shine 365’ beauty products that they probably already have at home. The essential bills like water and rent can be postponed at their leisure.

Maybe these friends of mine are still living in the 80’s because not ALL women think and spend their money like this. Or maybe these are just the type of female friends that I am associated with and therefore you can rule-out whatever you’ve read so far. But I know deep down I’m right about the shopping part, wasn’t I?

I’m not stereotyping all women as a ‘dumb-blond’. And I do have blond female friends before and actually they are quite smart and one of them, she’s an M.D; plus she is gorgeous too. So to me, its’ not whether a man thinks too much about making a decision or whether a woman base their decisions solely on intuition alone. Its due to the fact that thinking too much causes inaction and procrastination and thats not good.

So yeah, maybe we guys do tend to think too much and maybe women were always on the right track in their life about their intuitions and emotions when making decisions. Or maybe I just felt like saying that or maybe I couldn’t find a logical explanation to all this.